How to connect with TryHackMe platform (showing for Kali | Debian | Ubuntu and Windows)
- First of all you need to install OpenVPN in your kali machine. The command is:
apt install openvpn -y
Now OpenVPN should installed on your system.
2. Now login to TryHackMe platform and follow below.
Access the above link. Then download your configuration file. If no file is downloaded then click on Regenerate. Then try to download again.
3. You will get a file called Your_THM_UserName.ovpn now.
4. Now type below from your kali shell. If not using root account then type sudo before issuing this command. I am using root account here:
openvpn Your_THM_UserName.ovpn
5. You should connected now with the THM platform. A tunnel interface should created having 10 series class A IP.
Please remember, don’t exit from this shell. Otherwise your session will be disconnected.
Now how you connect to the THM machine using some RDP application like Remmina?
Go to your target room that you want to play. Then click on Start machine. Within 1 minute or less you will get an ip address. Copy that ip address. On this same room you will also be provided a username and a password to connect with that machine.
Now open Remmina tool from your kali.
Click on the + sign meaning you want to create a new profile.
Provide the ip, username and password.
Make sure to select the color depth as RemoteFX (32 bpp)
Now you are good to go. Save and connect. You will be connected to your machine.
From the above link, download openvpn for windows.
A .msi file will download. Install it. Admin privilege required.
Click on AGREE.
Now you need to click on Browse to point your *.ovpn file.
Now click on Connect.
It should connect successfully.
Thanks. Hope you like this.